Wrongful Termination
Age discrimination is where an employer treats an employee differently who is over the age of 40. Age Discrimination can take many different forms ranging from negative performance evaluations, to demotions, and even terminations.
Some examples of possible age discrimination may be illegal forced retirement, illegal inclusion of older workers in reductions in forces or layoffs, terminating an older worker and replacing them with younger employee(s), or even paying older workers less than younger employees doing the same work.
Additionally, employers and/or managers may make a variety of age based remarks toward an employee that may also give rise to age discrimination or harassment. Comments to older workers about being “slow,” “old school,” “needing fresher faces,” or other comments directed at a person’s age or needing to hire younger employees may be in violation of the law.
If you believe you have been fired or treated differently at work because of your age, then we are here to help you. Give the lawyers at Aarons Ward a call to see if we can help to keep Justice On Your Side.